The IX UNPO General Assembly was organised at the European Parliament with full attendance of UNPO Members and delegates from all over the world. After two days of discussing the new political common vision of the organization, it was decided to profoundly restructure the Preamble of the Covenant of the organisation, the political driving force of UNPO.
The path to put UNPO and its Member’s central to the international political arena was essential. This document represents a milestone and major change in UNPO historysince its foundation in 1991.
The work of the General Assembly has been introduced by Member of the European Parliament and leader of the Nonviolent Radical Party Mr. Marco Pannella. Furthermore two substantial reports on Gandhian nonviolent civil resistance and diverse forms of regional autonomy and federalism were presented. These reports by Ledum Mitee Esq., President of the UNPO General Assembly, and Mr. van Walt van Praag, provided background information on the concepts, including references to key thematic research.
These reports were the prelude to a substantial discussion on the broad sense of the concept of self-determination, resolving to address and fully consider the right of self-determination, ranging from autonomy, devolution, power sharing and federalism. Such a process of self-determination is not, however, unilateral. It is therefore essential to remain in dialogue and push for continued negotiations to resolve the issue in a multilateral context.
The topics of climate change, potable water and food shortages will have immeasurable devastating effects on the stability in the world today.
The General Assembly resolved to elect Ledum Mitee Esq., leader of the Movement for the Survival of Ogoni People in Nigeria as the President of the UNPO, and Ms. Maysing Yang, Vice Minister of Oversees Compatriot Affairs Commission of Taiwan as its Vice President. The convention further elected Senator Marco Perduca, member of the Italian Senate for the Democratic Party as Treasurer to the organization. Mr. Marino Busdachin was re-elected for a term of three years as Secretary General by unanimous vote.
Furthermore elections for the UNPO Presidency had the following result; Abkhazia (Mr. Maxim Gunjia), Crimean Tartars (Mr. Abduraman Egiz), East Turkestan (Mr. Dolkun Isa), Khmer Krom (Mr. Thach Thach), Mapuche (Mr. Reynaldo Mariqueo), Montagnards (Mr. Kok Ksor), Sindh (Ms. Humaira Rahman), Somaliland (Mr. Mohamoud Daar), Southern Cameroons (Mr. Nfor Ngala Nfor), Tibet (Mr. Ngawang Choepel), West-Balochistan (Mr. Abdullah Jahmalzi), and Zanzibar (Mr. Seif Sharif Hamad).

Left to right: Dr Joshua Cooper, Thach Ngoc Thach (re-elected as UNPO Presidency Member) and Romy Thach.
Preamble to the UNPO Covenant
Adopted by the UNPO General Assembly
17 May 2008, Brussels, Belgium
Affirming the principles of Democracy, as enshrined in the Vienna declaration, as fundamental and inalienable human rights;
Noting that political and civil rights are guaranteed to individuals and communities through international law and binding covenants, such as the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights;
Aware that individual rights are inextricably linked to the recognition and protection of collective rights, as well as the free expression of collective identity, religious beliefs, and dignity;
Convinced that the existence and enjoyment of these political and civil rights are themselves the product of past struggles and solidarity, and that a continued and committed effort is still necessary in order to achieve their universal and effective implementation;
Whereas the right to self-determination is enshrined in the United Nations Charter, the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, its implementation should be based on its broadest and most comprehensive understanding; including autonomy, devolution, and power-sharing, and federalism in all its forms, rejecting thereby a narrow focus and charges of secessionism;
Convinced that the principles, methodology, and practice of Gandhian nonviolence and nonviolent civil-resistance are the most effective means of pursuing and enforcing both collective and individual rights, we, the undersigned Nations and Peoples, reaffirm our unreserved commitment to such principles, rejecting in the process terrorism, extremism, and violence in all its forms;
Convinced that the protection of the environment and its natural resources, in particular in the context of climate change and related shortages of potable water, is linked to the fundamental rights of Nations and Peoples everywhere, necessitating respect for the enshrined rights of free, prior, and informed consent, so as to guarantee their right to determine their own future and the protection and respect for their ancestral lands and resources;
Aware that whilst the forceful transfer of populations and other forms of demographic manipulation, including ethnic cleansing, represent serious breaches of universal rights, the free circulation of ideas, information, people, and capital should be guaranteed as central to the promotion and affirmation of freedom and democracy everywhere;
Therefore, by the present Covenant, the Participating Nations and Peoples, represented by the undersigned Representatives, establish amongst themselves the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (the “Organization”).
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