New hillstream catfish described from Cambodia

Picture by Heok Hee Ng.
A new species of hillstream catfish has been described from southwestern Cambodia in a recent issue of the journal Zootaxa.Heok Hee Ng and Walter Rainboth name the new catfish Glyptothorax coracinus, distinguishing it from congeners by its blackish brown body with indistinct pale longitudinal stripes on the lateral line and mid-dorsal regions of the body, proportional measurements of the head and body, and the shape of its thoracic adhesive apparatus.
The new species is known from the short coastal drainages draining the western face of the Cardamom and Elephant mountain ranges in southwest Cambodia, and is named after its dark colour (from the Greek korakinos, meaning like a raven).
For more information, see the paper: Ng, HH and WJ Rainboth (2008) Glyptothorax coracinus, a new species of hillstream catfish from Cambodia (Teleostei: Sisoridae). Zootaxa 1839, pp. 60–68.
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