Nine Rineloricaria described

Pictures kindly supplied by Miriam Ghazzi
Brazilian scientist Miriam Ghazzi has described nine new species of plecos in the genus Rineloricaria from the Uruguay River drainage in southern Brazil in the latest issue of the journal Iheringia: Série Zoologia.The nine species are named Rineloricaria tropeira, R. anitae, R. anhaguapitan, R. zaina, R. capitonia, R. stellata, R. reisi, R. setepovos and R. sanga.
The nine new species are distinguished from other members of the genus in the arrangement of the abdominal plates, colour pattern, shape and size of the naked area on the snout, and the length of the fins.
Rineloricaria tropeira
This species is found in the tributaries of the Pelotas and Canoas rivers in the upper Uruguay River drainage and is named after the muleteers (tropeiros) of Brazil, who have often travelled the region where this species occurs.
Rineloricaria anitae
Rineloricaria anitae is known only from the type locality in the Canoas River and is named after Anita Garibaldi, a female warrior figure both of the Farroupilha War in Brazil and of Italian Unification.
Rineloricaria anhaguapitan
This species is named after the mythical origin of the Uruguay River, in which St. Peter confronts the devil Anhaguapitã and turns the birds the latter has killed into rain and small rocks, forming the Uruguay River. The species is known from the Passo Fundo River.
Rineloricaria zaina
Rineloricaria zaina is known from the Uruguay River drainage between Marcelino Ramos and Peixe and from the Jaguari River. It is named after its colour (zaina is the term used to describe the black or dark chestnut pelage of some horses and cows).
Rineloricaria capitonia
This species is named after its large head (the specific epithet in Latin means “with large head”) and is known from the Alegre, Palmeira and Passo Fundo rivers.
Rineloricaria stellata
Rineloricaria stellata is known from the Buricá, Ijuí, Piratini and Ibicuí rivers and is named after the dark spots on the fins and body of this species (stellatus=starred in Latin).
Rineloricaria reisi
This species is named after Neotropical ichthyologist Roberto Reis and is known from the type locality in the Conceição River.
Rineloricaria setepovos
Rineloricaria setepovos is known only from the type locality in the Piratini River and is named after the region (Setes Povos das Missões) where it is found.
Rineloricaria sanga
This species is named after its habitat (the term “sanga” is used to denote small streams in the area this species is collected), and is known only from the edge of the city of Iraí, in tributaries of the Uruguay River.
For more information, see the paper: Ghazzi, MS (2008) Nove espécies novas do gênero Rineloricaria (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) do rio Uruguai, do sul do Brasil [Nine new species of the genus Rineloricaria (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) from Uruguay river, southern Brazil]. Iheringia: Série Zoologia 98, pp. 100–122. [in Portuguese]
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